[ivory-search id=”985″ title=”Blog search”] You work hard, you make decisions for yourself; you do not others make decisions for you. Magnesium, as you read elsewhere, participates in close to 600 enzymatic reactions and 80%… What follows is my personal opinion concerning Andrea Love’s article: Vitamin D: Can we Finally Stop Beating this Dead Horse? . I will cover most of the article refuting as… Vaccines, vitamin D3 and Antiviral Medications as well as medications effective against viruses, the new paradigm and why our leaders are Not Doing Everything Possible. If you decide to get… Vaccines, vitamin D3 and Antiviral Medications as well as medications effective against viruses, the new paradigm and why our leaders are Not Doing Everything Possible. Thus a vaccine by eliciting … Vaccines, vitamin D3 and Antiviral Medications as well as medications effective against viruses, the new paradigm and why our leaders are Not Doing Everything Possible. In at one case… Vaccines, vitamin D3 and Antiviral Medications as well as medications effective against viruses, the new paradigm and why our leaders are Not Doing Everything Possible. So fast forward to today… Vaccines, vitamin D3 and Antiviral Medications as well as medications effective against viruses, the new paradigm and why our leaders are Not Doing Everything Possible. Concerning Covid-19 they did after… Vaccines, vitamin D3 and Antiviral Medications as well as medications effective against viruses, the new paradigm and why our leaders are Not Doing Everything Possible. Currently we are being bombarded… Vaccines, vitamin D3 and Antiviral Medications as well as medications effective against viruses, the new paradigm and why our leaders are Not Doing Everything Possible. So fast forward to… Vaccines, vitamin D3 and Antiviral Medications as well as medications effective against viruses, the new paradigm and why our leaders are Not Doing Everything Possible. Concerning Covid-19 they did after… Vaccines, vitamin D3 and Antiviral Medications as well as medications effective against viruses, the new paradigm and why our leaders are Not Doing Everything Possible. Currently we are being bombarded… Issues with the VDR and the intracellular machinery and to overcome these defects is discussed here: : https://judsonsomerville.com/vitamin-d3-vitamin-d-receptors-and-why-you-may-not-see-results-from-taking-optimal-doses-of-vitamin-d3-1-2/ That by overcoming these defects allows activation of vitamin D3 and initiation… As I was discussing at the end of the last blog post defects in the vitamin D receptor (VDR), machinery that modifies the active form of vitamin D3 so it… At the time I did that I had not put my understanding of cancer all together yet. Well, cancer cells or at least many I have found so far significantly… To digress, as I mentioned in the first blog post of this series the reason, I have not blogged about vitamin D3 and its direct role in destroying/preventing cancer, is… Taking skin cells as an example in skin cells-keratinocytes-all three main forms of vitamin D3 activate the HPA axis and the peripheral cellular process where this occurs to produce pro-opiomelanocortin… Sunscreens as I previously blogged about are not only poisoning both us as well as our environment but affect the p53, one of our main ways to fight cancer. Particularly… To digress a minute let me talk about the P53 gene and P53 protein this gene produces as both are important in cancer suppression and progression. The P53 gene is… The blood storage for of vitamin D3 is activated by 1-alpha hydroxylase enzyme into the active form of vitamin D3 (1,25 dihydroxy vitamin D3). Once activated it must still be… It has been clear to me for some time that vitamin D3 was important in preventing and curing many types of cancer. The problem is I could not figure out…
Magnesium and Vitamin D3
How can you stop Beating this Dead Horse if you are dead?
The Two minute Health Post 6/6
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The Two minute Health Post 3/6
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The Two minute Health Post 1/6
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The Two minute Health Post 2/3
The Two minute Health Post 1/3
Vitamin D3, cancer, P53 gene and the CYP24A1 gene 9/9
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Vitamin D3, cancer, and the CYP24A1 gene 1/9