How our unhealthy food and the current medical myth is making us ill and dependent on the Western medical industrial complex to survive. 6/7

I believe our lack of leadership is mainly due to a world based on expediently. Of solving the current problem with little to no foresight or vision. The business mentality of maximizing profits for this quarter now appears to permeate our thinking.  I once read that the higher you rise Read more…

How our unhealthy food and the current medical myth is making us ill and dependent on the Western medical industrial complex to survive. 5/7

So, continuing where I left off in my last post what we do know is there are important components. Like vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats and sugars, in healthy foods like fruits or vegetables. Genetically modifying them we may gain increased size, taste and appearance. We may also gain resistance to Read more…

How our unhealthy food and the current medical myth is making us ill and dependent on the Western medical industrial complex to survive. 4/7

As this health industrial complex has become so powerful and all encompassing that it is now causing harm. Harm because simple solutions are deemed, well simple. So instead of giving the substances for example vitamin D3 lets develop umpteen medications that treat all the symptoms its deficiency causes. Instead of Read more…

How our unhealthy food and the current medical myth is making us ill and dependent on the Western medical industrial complex to survive. 3/7

The latest and greatest illnesses, at least in the “developed” world that are occurring to more and more people as they become westernized, are for one coming from deficient food. Yet our medical experts are then blaming the patient for being ill. They are not seeing the bigger picture. More Read more…

How our unhealthy food and the current medical myth is making us ill and dependent on the Western medical industrial complex to survive. 2/7

So, if your healthy it is because you’re doing the correct things like exercising, eating right and getting adequate sleep. Thus, in those cases where we are ill the medical experts are blaming us for being so. Stating the dogma, especially when a metabolic disease like coronary artery disease, hypertension Read more…