More on how our unhealthy food and the current medical myth are making us ill and dependent on the Western medical industrial complex to survive. 1/28

We have a crisis with diet. People realize that and try to reverse the negative affects by self-treatment, Self-treating with fad diets and more recently with the Keto diet, they are getting close to the solution but not quite right, the real shame is where are our experts? Lots to Read more…

How our unhealthy food and the current medical myth is making us ill and dependent on the Western medical industrial complex to survive. 7/7

I grew up being told, ok, brainwashed to think we would overpopulate the world. Yea, perhaps that will happen but currently at least in industrialized countries the opposite is happening. We are not replacing ourselves and our populations are shrinking. This mindset is having the desired effect. Must youth don’t Read more…

How our unhealthy food and the current medical myth is making us ill and dependent on the Western medical industrial complex to survive. 6/7

I believe our lack of leadership is mainly due to a world based on expediently. Of solving the current problem with little to no foresight or vision. The business mentality of maximizing profits for this quarter now appears to permeate our thinking.  I once read that the higher you rise Read more…